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5 Ways to Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month

Honor mindfulness and self-care with your team members during Mental Health Awareness Month using our ideas below!

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What is Mental Health Awareness Month and when is it celebrated?

Mental Health Awareness Month is a whole 31 days dedicated to highlighting & reducing the stigma around people with mental health conditions, disabilities, treatments, and other concerns.

It’s a month well worth acknowledging. Mental illness–-from depression to PTSD to OCD to substance abuse–impacts the lives of millions of individuals every day. We can use this time to better our education and understanding of mental health in all its forms

The whole month of May is devoted to Mental Health Awareness, giving you plenty of opportunities for education, celebration, and impactful conversation that you can carry into the entire year. 🥳

Why should you recognize Mental Health Awareness Month at work?

Whether you use one idea or plan something every week, know that your employee well-being efforts genuinely make a difference.

  • ~217 million working days are lost to issues around untreated mental illness. Even if employees are physically there, there’s a chance a handful of team members are suffering. 🧠
  • We can't be "healthy" without caring for our mental health! And a person's health is a key factor in their performance. 🩺
  • Positive mental health helps handle stress, anxiety, changing workflows, responsibilities, and priorities. Aka - with it, we flourish! 🌸
  • An increased understanding helps employees empathize with one another and create a more supportive community that prioritizes everyone's psychological safety. 🫂

If they're not already, mental health resources should be incorporated into your virtual diversity and inclusion resources to show your team you care about them and want to make your workplace a safe space. Plus, it gives employees permission to come to the workplace and be their most authentic selves, boosting employee wellbeing and engagement overall!

Need some more support? Mental Health America has some great resources. Visit to get started!

Ready to reduce stress and encourage employees in your remote team to prioritize their mental well-being? Increase happiness with our remote team building and diversity, equity, and inclusion activities for virtual meetings below!

Image with a blue/green background. Black title font that reads "Why Mental Health Awareness Matters". Underneath title text, a bulleted list of workplace mental health statistics. These statistics also appear in the article body below the image.

‍Here are some ideas for Mental Health Awareness Month at work:

1. Mindful meditation 🧘

Sign up for a virtual guided meditation! With this activity, you and your team will learn breathing exercises that alleviate stress and tension. Plus, it'll equip everyone with what's needed to start their own mindful practice.

Why is this a great virtual team building activity for Mental Health Awareness Month? Meditation is ripe with benefits for your emotional wellbeing. A dedicated practice raises your self-awareness, sharpens focus, and reduces stress.

How to get started 👉 Reduce mental health issues with a Virtual Meditation Class for your team members today!

2. Virtual yoga class 🙆

Our physical health and mental health go hand in hand. For remote teams, the stress of sitting in front of a computer all day can really affect our bodies and minds. That's why it's important to practice regular self-care in the form of movement.

A virtual yoga class will help your organization's mental health initiatives by incorporating mindfulness and movement into the everyday routine, reducing stress in the process! The combination of breathwork, reflection, and physical activity makes it an incredible team experience for improving employees' mental health.

Does your team work together in person? When the weather is nice, gather your employees in the local park for an employee-led yoga practice.

Why is this a great mental wellness activity for Mental Health Awareness Month? Physical activity gets those endorphins flowing and is scientifically proven to improve mental health! Yoga treats your body & mind with an energy boost while minimizing the effects of anxiety and tension. Plus, a virtual fitness class is always an out-of-the-box team-building activity.

How to get started 👉 Support mental and physical health with a slow Vinyasa flow.
Virtual Yoga Class

3. Terrarium workshop 🪴

Did you know having plants around blossoms into mental health benefits and increases happiness? These green friends are gorgeous and super stress-relieving. 

It's no wonder a virtual terrarium workshop makes for the perfect Mental Health Month activity. In this hands-on workshop, your employees can brighten their workspace by designing a unique environment for their very own air plant.

Why is this a great idea for Mental Health Awareness Month? According to PsychologyToday, having some little green pals in the workplace can reduce depression and anxiety. Plus, plants are also known to increase focus and productivity levels!

How to get started 👉 Add more life to the office and book a Terrarium Workshop today!
Virtual + Kits Terrarium Workshop

4. Cook together in a healthy cooking class 🍳

Try encouraging team members to cook at home by taking a virtual cooking class together!

What we eat plays a significant role in our health and wellness. With a healthy cooking class, you get the pros of clean eating, and your employees feel supported when it comes to caring for their basic needs. Not to mention, you'll create a better sense of connection for your virtual teams.

Why is this a great idea for Mental Health Awareness Month? A well-balanced diet improves concentration! And when you prepare meals that nourish your soul, that has been shown to improve our mental health and moods overall.

How to get started 👉 Learn new, delicious recipes in a BYO Healthy Cooking Class!
Virtual BYO Healthy Cooking Class

5. Relieve stress with an aromatherapy workshop 🌷

Get your team involved in an aromatherapy & essential oils workshop, where each person can create a therapeutic scent.

Plus, learn the unique properties of different oils, like how lavender oil can reduce anxiety and promote better sleep!

Want to turn it into a wellness gift exchange? Find a team member to swap your handmade oils with to make the event even more special.

Why is this a great idea for Mental Health Awareness Month? Aromatherapy is no joke — inhaling the scent molecules from essential oils stimulates the emotional center of your brain.

How to get started 👉 Support the mental wellbeing of your diverse team members with an Aromatherapy and Oils Class!
Virtual + Kits Aromatherapy & Oils Class

Support Employee Mental Health Awareness 🧠

It's no secret the mental health support offered to your team members matters. But Mental Health Awareness Month provides the unique opportunity to check where your company currently stands in supporting employee well-being. Even if it's not the month of May, make sure team members' access to Mental Health resources and regular team building activities are always the priority.

Confetti is ready to help you solidify a company culture that reduces the stigma around mental health and fosters your overall social well-being and employee experience. And, of course, we want to make it fun and boost team morale in the process. 🎉

Don't hesitate. Book a Mental Health Awareness Month experience for your hybrid and remote teams today! 

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