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How to Help Your Team Find Their Work-Life Balance & 5 Tips to Achieve It

Let's help your staff find the balance between their professional and personal life, so you can lead a happier, more productive team!

#Work-Life Balance
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🏃 TL;DR — 7 quick tips for better work-life balance:

No time to read the full article? No worries.

  1. Set yourself as ‘away’ on work-social channels like Slack at the end of the day. 😴
  2. Write what things you want to accomplish for the next day, at the end of your workday. ✍️
  3. If you’re feeling anxious, put a list of all the things you want to accomplish to help you remember its a finite list of tasks. Don’t forget to prioritize them. 📝
  4. Use your phone’s restrictions tools to try to avoid social media and other distracting and time-sucking media. It's better use that time to relax, meditate, or maybe start that book sitting on your shelf. 🧘
  5. If you're able to, meal-prep so you don’t forget to eat. 🧑🍳
  6. Get a big @ss water bottle so you drink throughout the day. 💦
  7. Pre-block your calendar with the items you want to accomplish so people don’t book over it. While you’re at it, pre-block your lunch. 📅

What is a good work-life balance? ⚖️

Text overlay reads: A Good Work-Life Balance is... 1. A rhythm you can follow 2. Putting personal health & wellness first 3. Using your PTO & taking sick days 4. Setting & sticking to boundaries 5. Understanding your goals & priorities

Let’s get one thing straight: having a good work-life balance isn’t about total equilibrium. Just as life shifts and changes unexpectedly, so will the balance that you create between your work life and your personal life. 

If everything isn’t 50/50 all the time, don’t stress it. It’s not about perfection. It’s about finding a rhythm that works

Developing a structure to help minimize the changes and developing time management skills will better help you go with the flow when things shift.

You deserve to enjoy your personal life without compromising your work performance. With the right tools, you can, should, and will excel at both. 😄

Why does a healthy balance matter? 🧐

The text overlay includes the same statistics listed below and includes an additional header that reads: Why Does a Healthy Balance Matter?

Today’s culture drives it into our heads that we have to be “on” 24/7. People are finding it increasingly difficult to mentally clock out of work at the end of the day. 

And with our offices mere steps away from our bedrooms, work-life balance and workplace sustainability are more important than ever. 

✨ Now, let’s let the numbers do the talking: 

  • Companies that encourage a healthy work-life balance have 25% less turnover (CompareCamp
  • 85% of companies offering work-life balance programs report an increase in productivity (CompareCamp)
  • $190 billion is spent on medical costs each year to address the physical & mental symptoms of work-related burnout (Forbes)
  • 83% of employees say their personal relationships are negatively affected by burnout (Zippa)

All-in-all, finding a work-life balance gives your team the ability to perform well at work without neglecting their personal lives and goals.

A healthy balance between work and life makes your employees happier, helps them manage stress, and even leads to a more fulfilling career.  So, let’s talk about how to create and encourage a good work-life balance for yourself and your team!

How to find your own work-life rhythm 💃

Work-life balance is a nuanced topic because it looks different for everyone. Every single person has different boundaries, different factors that contribute to them feeling burnt out, and different activities that help them reduce stress and feel refreshed.

If you’re feeling off-balance, there are always things you can do to refresh your routine and build healthier boundaries around life and work:

1. Understand it’s a rhythm 🕺 

As your life changes, so will your work-life balance needs. So, it’s important to be flexible. For example, is Q4 often busy for you and your team? Pamper yourself with a bit more “me-time” in Q3 and Q1 to help offset the crazy work that happens in Q4.

Even when things get crazy, honor what your mind and body are asking for in the present moment. 🧠

Sometimes you will need peace and relaxation, sometimes you will need to head to the gym, and sometimes you’ll need quality time spent with people that you love. 

Whatever it is, pay attention to your breathing and emotional state to help assess where you’re at. Your needs inside and outside of work will change as life comes at you. It’s often surprising how taking time for yourself amidst the craziness is the missing key to success!

2. Put personal health first ❣️

Remember, health is wealth. Cheesy? Maybe, but it’s true. Working long, unsustainable hours can take an immense toll on your physical and mental health.

Your personal health should always be your top priority. 🙌

This will look different for everyone. But remember to move your body, drink a lot of water, and seek professional help if you need it. The right company and team won’t judge you for putting your personal health first.

3. Use your PTO 🏖

Your PTO is there, so freakin’ use it!

“Hustle culture” has us believing that taking breaks is a sign of weakness. On the contrary, taking time off will leave you feeling refreshed and refocused, ready to kick butt at work and in life. 

PTO is there so that you can have work-life balance. What you use it for is your business — take a vacation, refresh by doing absolutely nothing — whatever works for you. But use it! 

If your work is discouraging you from taking time off, that is a sign of a much bigger issue. You have a right to have time off from work throughout the year.

4. Set (and stick to) your boundaries 🙅

This is a tough one, especially if you work from home. But setting boundaries with your work hours and work communication is vital.

If you give everyone access to you at all hours of the day, you’ll find yourself working long hours and you’ll never actually get anything done. Not only that, but you’ll get really overwhelmed really fast. 


  • Encourage responsible screen time by communicating boundaries with your team so they know when they can and cannot reach you. 📣
  • If you feel comfortable, share with them the other things that you’re doing, how it helps you and why it’s important, so they can get behind those hours and support you. 🫂
  • If setting boundaries with your team members gives you anxiety, extend to your team the best ways to reach you in case of an emergency. That way you know that if they don’t do that — it can wait until you return back online. 🤝

When your home doubles as your office (and even if it doesn’t), people can get into the habit of feeling like they have access to you 24/7. This makes it really difficult to ever actually unplug and enjoy your life.

Your time spent offline is just as important to your job performance (and quality of life) as your time spent online. Remember to take time to disconnect from work (and from tech entirely, if you can swing it) so your boundaries are set firmly into place.

5. Understand your goals & priorities ⭐️

Research shows that a key reason many employees experience burnout is a lack of clear job roles and goals. 

Knowing what needs to be done and keeping track of your goals and achievements will help you understand when you need to adjust the time at work vs. time elsewhere. 

👉 Prioritizing your personal life and workload:

  • Helps you understand where your time is best spent. 

👉 Tracking your goals:

  • Makes it easier for you to log off at the end of the day. You won’t spend your “relaxing time” worrying about not getting everything done.

As an added bonus for you, keeping track of your time and achievements at work serves as a great resource to tap into when promotion time rolls around (and helps build your resume for your future employer)

5 ways you can support your team’s work-life groove 🙌

Text overlay reads: How to Support Your Team's Work-Life Rhythm. 1. Lead by example 2. Routine pulse checks 3. Understanding their individuals goals (and how they connect) 4. Make your support & company-wide support options clear 5. Encourage fun, laughter, and take a break

Employers, you should always be working to help your employees live a healthier, more balanced life. Not only will it help them feel more supported in the workplace, but it will increase retention rates and performance. 

To put it in less corporate terms–it’s a win-win for the whole crew!

Here’s how you can support your team while they find they get into their work-life groove.

  1. Lead by example: Company culture starts at a senior level. If your leadership doesn’t display a healthy work-life balance, your employees won’t either. Lead by example by taking care of your physical and mental health and setting boundaries, and train managers on how to spot an employee who is feeling burnt out. 👯

  2. Routine pulse checks: If you want to know how your employees are feeling, the best way to figure it out is to ask them. Take the wellness temperature of your team every once in a while, and help them if they're struggling with poor work-life balance. 💕

  3. Understand your employees’ goals: One of the best things you can do for your team members is to understand and support their goals in their professional and personal life. Provide support for them as they work towards those goals, and provide them with opportunities that will help them get there faster. 💫

  4. Let your team know what options they have: If your employees have the ability to do flexible work from home or work flexible hours, make sure they know it! Remind them of any initiatives in place for employees who feel stressed or need a break. At Confetti, we offer paid mental health days to our employees that don’t count against PTO or sick leave. 🗣

  5. Encourage fun: You should remind your team that you support them in their personal goals. If you’re looking to help your employees find balance in work and life, programs and initiatives that encourage fun are a great option. Monthly team-building games, like our virtual Trivia games, are easy to plan as recurring events to keep the fun momentum going. 🎉

💃 Dance to your work-life rhythm 🕺

Finding a work-life balance that works for you won’t look the same as your coworkers. It might change throughout the course of your life and career, and that’s a good thing! Whatever works best for you is right for you.

And if you want to make finding work-life balance fun for everyone, check out our virtual team bonding experiences! Team-building, stress-relief, and an all-around good time. What more could you want?

Book your Team Building event with Confetti! Book now!

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